Ramblings Garden Landscaping: The Outdoor Extension of Your Home

Garden Landscaping: The Outdoor Extension of Your Home

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27. Garden Landscaping: The Outdoor Extension of Your Home

Garden Landscaping: The Outdoor Extension of Your Home

Regardless of the size or location, every home has the potential to benefit from a beautifully landscaped garden. As homeowners and DIY enthusiasts, we know the joy that comes from creating a space that reflects our personality and lifestyle. The garden, as an extension of our home, should be no exception.

Quite often, the garden is overlooked or underutilised. However, with a little creativity and elbow grease, you can transform this natural canvas into a beautiful, functional living space. So, come with us on this journey as we delve into 27 easy-to-implement tips and tricks for garden landscaping.

The Decorating Den

Firstly, it’s important to view your garden as an extra room rather than just a yard. Reflect on your interior design style and channel that same energy outdoors. Whether it’s quaint country charm or sleek and modern minimalist style, be assured that it can be reproduced in your garden.

Landscaping for Functionality and Beauty

Before you rush into buying decorative gnomes or sculpting a miniature Versailles in your backyard, it’s vital to consider functionality. How do you envision using your garden? As an entertainers paradise, a calm retreat, or evidence of your green thumb? Design it to facilitate those activities, whether that calls for installing a simple garden bench or elaborate garden path.

  • Focal Point: Just as you design your interiors around a focal point, the same applies to your garden. A pond, sculpture, or even a beautiful tree can make an excellent focal point.
  • Plant Placement: When deciding on plant placement, consider their mature height and spread. Taller plants should be situated at the rear with shorter ones in front.

    Year-Round Appeal

    Your garden should soothe your soul in any season. Thus, choose plants that add visual interest all year round. Mix evergreens with some spring bloomers, summer showstoppers, and autumn residents like burning bushes and pansies.

    The Power Of Repetition And Contrast

    The use of repetition gives unity to the garden by tying the various elements together, while contrast adds visual interest. You can repeat certain plants, colours, or even textures throughout the garden. However, avoid overdoing it. You don’t want your garden to end up looking monotonous.

    Factor In Maintenance

    Maintaining a garden can be a labour of love for some, while others may find it cumbersome. Therefore, it’s important to design your garden, keeping the maintenance it would require in mind.

    Garden landscaping is an opportunity to experiment, innovate, and release your inner creativity. It’s your outdoor sanctuary, portray it as a mirror of your personality and lifestyle.

    Spend a miniscule or a significant amount, landscape it within a day or a month, it still remains your piece of serenity. Remember, the idea is not to aim for perfection, but to create an enchanting garden space that does wonderful things to your soul. Let’s get garden landscaping!

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